Friday, November 03, 2006

Noon + Jim

We loved working with the super smart and talented duo, Noon & Jim! They are getting married in Thailand in January, but we decided to do their loveShoot a little closer to home. It was a picture-perfect day at Hanging Rock State Park, and the fall colors and waterfalls were the perfect setting for a little "love"!

Yep, she hiked all the way down to the waterfall in a dress! That's dedication!

Waterfall #2. Aren't those rocks awesome!

Noon looks so cute in a hat!

Do they look like a Mini-Cooper ad or what! Ummm...Mini-Cooper, call us!

Getting down and dirty on the job!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sara and Melanie,
I love the pics so much. You guys are the best!!! I didn't expect you guys to get down in the water with us. You guys rock.
Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.

Tania said...

OMG! Those are amazing!!! And what a beautiful bride-to-be!